Hey all! Wow, where does the time go? It's already the end of April...it's been nearly a month since I have sat down at my sewing machine....I haven't sewn a stitch! This is unacceptable, I need to make some time for sewing..ASAP.
I'm finally getting around to writing about my Covert Robin project. I couldn't blog about it until I was sure my recipient received it, and well, I...
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Sunday, April 21, 2013
Sunday, April 7, 2013
- Posted By: Jess
- Comments: 1 comment

With the deadline for Covert Robin looming over my head, I forgot something very important...
I get a present, too!
Honestly, I had completely forgotten about it. Until I heard the mail truck...followed by footsteps on my porch...followed by my screen door opening, and a THUD!
I was sitting in the kitchen, thinking to myself, "Hmmmm...I haven't ordered any fabric lately...." I walked to the...
Monday, April 1, 2013
- Posted By: Jess
- Comments: No comments
March 30th. To some, the day before Easter, no biggie. To me: doomsday. You know that whole thing about me being late for everything? Well, I had two major deadlines on March 31st: Covert Robin and Knitters for Newtown. However, since that was Easter Sunday, I actually lost a day! Both packages needed to be mailed by the 30th. Usually, I cannot afford...
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
- Posted By: Jess
- Comments: 2 comments
Quilt Fest NJ

If you know me well, or have known me for a long time, you know I am always late. For everything. I try so very hard not to be, and I always have an excuse! Work? Parking! Church? Traffic! Anything I tell my husband I'm going to do? Quilting! You see, I may have mentioned this before, but I am an OCD procrastinator. Get it done right, just get it done...later.
I tell...
Monday, March 4, 2013
- Posted By: Jess
- Comments: 2 comments
Covert Robin
Oh boy, I've really gone and done it now! A crafty friend of mine is a cohost of a Covert Robin from imagine gnats. A whoosie-whatsie from where now you say? A covert robin is like a secret craft swap. People sign up and then the hosts send out the names, and you make a craft for someone, but they don't know who you are, and you don't know who has you! It was a spur of the moment decision..sign up ended on the 28th of February. When did I sign up? The 28th of...
Sunday, January 20, 2013
- Posted By: Jess
- Comments: 1 comment
I'm sorry...

Oh, goodness. I'm terrible at this aren't I? Is October really the last time I posted? I had so many things to write about! But, in my defense, who has time to blog? I'm too busy SEWING! I have lots of exciting plans for this blog, but I'll keep them a secret for now. However, there are some things I would like to tell you about. I'm probably going to be a bit long winded,...
Sunday, October 28, 2012
- Posted By: Jess
- Comments: No comments
Binge Crafting...

Please, tell me I'm not the only one who does this. Has this happened to you, too? Life gets in the way, and you can't do what you want to do?
There's a long story behind this, but I'll make it as short as I can. Basically, mid-september through mid-october was a very rough month for me. Adjusting to being back to work and completing a nightmarish comprehensive exam to hopefully...
Saturday, September 8, 2012
- In: knitting, quilt
- Posted By: Jess
- Comments: 2 comments
Back to School... and a new trick!

Ah, September...the time of year when parents feel a rush of relief and teachers kids feel a gnawing anxiety that their life is over. I love September, and as a kid I loved going back to school. I was the complete opposite of the kids in this commercial. I know you all remember it.
I used to spend my allowance in Staples. There is nothing I love more than a fresh notebook...
Saturday, August 25, 2012
ADD like you wouldn't believe and a Charity Challenge...
Confession time. Sometimes, I go a little overboard on a few things. But, most of the time, I go way overboard on a lot of things. Oh, yeah, and my attention span is about as long as a mosquito's. For example: I try to quilt, knit, crochet, read a book, and write a blog all at the same time. Literally. At. the. same. time. Clearly, the blog has suffered, but the charity work...
Monday, July 16, 2012
- In: crochet, quilt guild, sewing
- Posted By: Jess
- Comments: 3 comments
I got my sewjo back!

sewjo \ˈsō-jō\ noun- 1.self-confidence in one's ability to sew, 2.the ability to bounce back from a negative attitude about sewing, 3.the ability to make awesomeness out of fabric and thread.
Yes, I did just make up a word, and I love it. Feel free to use it often : ). I know my last post was a little whiny, and it didn't seem like I enjoy sewing at all. Sorry about that. I'm new at this. I...
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
- In: quilt guild, sewing
- Posted By: Jess
- Comments: 1 comment
I'm too OCD for this...

Seriously. Go ahead and laugh, but I'm not joking. Along my very short quilting journey, I have struggled with my quest for perfection. I'm one of "those" people, and I can't help it. (Just imagine how I was at my wedding dress fitting...) So, when it comes to crafting, I have pulled out more stitches than you could imagine, but I have fought a good fight.
I came...
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
- In: quilt guild, sewing
- Posted By: Jess
- Comments: 1 comment

I created this blog about a month ago, and have yet to write anything! I started to...honest. I hemmed and I hawed...I wrote and I revised...I trashed and I rewrote...I edited and I...you get it. And then, I joined a quilt guild! I was politely asked if I had a blog. "I do," I hesitantly responded, "but, I...um...haven't written anything yet." How embarrassing! I explained that I was having...